Monday, February 25, 2008

Being Sick Stinks!!

I have discovered that I am now really behind in training for this half marathon which takes place, oh, in about 9 weeks!! I was doing well, up to 4 mile runs and then BOOM! I am down for the count with a horrible sinus infection. I have had it for 2 weeks (now starting my third week) and have been on antibiotics. The first week I only ran one time. The second week I ran 4 days, but was only able to get back up to 3 miles on my treadmill. I could only run 2 miles on Saturday out at the mall. That is really depressing since I ran 4 miles there just 2 1/2 weeks ago!! Tonight I decided to run outside after work because the weather was so decent (mid 50s). Well, I was only able to run 1.5 miles. It really is completely different running outside versus the treadmill. My neighborhood is hilly, and while I didn't even run on the really hilly parts, the small hills and grades really wore me out. I think I need to run outside now as much as I can to build up my stamina. I just hope this dang congestion goes away soon. It sure makes it hard to breath right!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Good Morning!

I was up WAY too early this morning and decided I needed to post on the seemommyrun site as I haven't done that for a while. Since I was online, I thought I would provide a link to that post on this site as well since what I wrote is in regard to our awesome team.

Check it out....

Saturday, February 9, 2008

I surprised myself today

Today is normally a day for those of us in our group that can get our schedules together (no small feat), to meet for a group run. The stars just didn't align for us today so I was on my own to do my (at least) 4 mile run. It was fairly nice weather here today (50's) and I decided to take my run outside. I knew I needed to eventually tackle some hills - today was that day. My subdivision has some pretty big hills and several backroads. I knew the path to take to do 2.5 miles, but hadn't done 4 miles in my neighborhood before, so I kinda made it up as I went along. I ran for as long as I thought would be 4 miles.

Later today I drove the path I ran and found out I actually ran 4.6 miles. Yoohoo! I still can't believe it. I have to admit I did walk two times - once after each MAJOR hill, but I didn't walk for long and made sure I picked up the pace quickly.

I don't think I've ever run 4.6 miles before! Craziness! I have to admit - I'm pretty proud of myself. Of course, I still have quite a ways to go before I'm ready for that 1/2 marathon in April.

Friday, February 1, 2008

My week in review

I somehow managed to run the entire 5K Zoo Run Run race on Saturday. It was quite a challenge since I have only been training on my treadmill. The off road parts of the course were tough, especially the up hill gravel/dirt/mud part. And the dang meerkat hill being near the end of the race nearly did me in!! But, with the help of my husband running beside me, I was able to persevere and run the whole way. What an accomplishment for me since I have never done anything like this in my life!! And it was great to stand at the finish line and cheer Shelley and Lisa on at the end. I am so proud of all of us, including Susan, who ran in the cold weather and finished. And to top it off, my pace was at a 10.5 minute mile which is better than I have been doing!!! :)

I took Sunday off and then ran on Monday night on my treadmill. Let me tell you that it was so hard! I got a terrible side cramp after about 2.25 miles and had to stop and walk a half mile and then I was barely able to run another mile. I couldn't believe how hard it was! I thought the treadmill would be a breeze or at least not be too challenging after running outside. I was so disappointed and disgusted. I ran again on Wed and completely made up for my lackluster performance on Monday as I ran 3.66 miles, all running!! I think we are supposed to hit 4 miles this weekend so I am feeling like maybe I can do that tomorrow at Opry Mills. Let's keep our fingers crossed!