Monday, February 25, 2008

Being Sick Stinks!!

I have discovered that I am now really behind in training for this half marathon which takes place, oh, in about 9 weeks!! I was doing well, up to 4 mile runs and then BOOM! I am down for the count with a horrible sinus infection. I have had it for 2 weeks (now starting my third week) and have been on antibiotics. The first week I only ran one time. The second week I ran 4 days, but was only able to get back up to 3 miles on my treadmill. I could only run 2 miles on Saturday out at the mall. That is really depressing since I ran 4 miles there just 2 1/2 weeks ago!! Tonight I decided to run outside after work because the weather was so decent (mid 50s). Well, I was only able to run 1.5 miles. It really is completely different running outside versus the treadmill. My neighborhood is hilly, and while I didn't even run on the really hilly parts, the small hills and grades really wore me out. I think I need to run outside now as much as I can to build up my stamina. I just hope this dang congestion goes away soon. It sure makes it hard to breath right!!

1 comment:

Jumpin' On My Last Nerve said...

So sorry you're still feeling bad. But good for you for still working out and doing something. I know you aren't happy with the mileage, but the fact that you're doing a little something has to help. You'll be up and running better in no time!