Monday, March 24, 2008

First Time for Everything!

Well, this is my very first time to blog. I have been surprising myself lately with the amount of firsts that I've accomplished. At the ripe old age of 42 (am I really that old??) I can only assume that I am officially middle aged and never dreamed that I would be doing these things. I am very excited at the progress that I've made on training for this 1/2 marathon. The only downer is that I lost a diamond earring about 3 weeks ago on one of my runs and still haven't been able to find it. :(

I had never run a race before and at the end of January we ran in a 5K and I was pleased to run the entire way. This Saturday I ran 8 miles. The thought of it was overwhelming, but somehow I made it through without stopping....unless you count at mile 7-1/4 when I tripped and fell. I skinned both palms pretty good, but fortunately not my knees! It has been a long time since I've had a good old fashioned asphalt scrap and let me tell you they hurt!!

Unfortunately, my schedule hasn't meshed well with everyone elses to meet up for runs together so I've had to run most of this on my own. I am looking forward (did I really say that???) to running another 8 miles this weekend and continuing toward this 1/2 marathon in 5 weeks. I even bought brand new running shoes today. I even paid full retail price and I never buy anything unless it is on sale. Another first!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Only 5 weeks left!

I cannot believe that we only have 5 more weeks until this half marathon. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am getting stressed about it but also getting excited that it is almost over!! I don't think I have ever been this diligent about any other type of exercise. Not that I have been the greatest the past couple of weeks. I have only been running about twice a week which is probably why it isn't getting any easier. I have, however, been running outside instead of on my treadmill and boy does that make a difference. My neighborhood is really hilly, so I am trying to do shorter runs that include the hills to help build up my endurance.

Today we were supposed to do 8 miles. I went out to Crockett Park and mapped out a course that was 7.2 miles. It was very tough as a good portion of my course was hilly. I ran about 5 of those miles. I am trying to do the walk/run thing b/c I know I won't be able to run all 13 miles. I almost gave up, but I finished it and I am so proud of myself. Last week Shelley and I did 6 miles out on one of the greenways. While that was tough b/c it was hilly too, it made it a little easier knowing that Shelley was out there with me. I tend to do much better when I am running with our group.

I hope everyone has a great Easter!!